Ebook Buku Managemen Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia


Ebook kotler p and keller k l 2012 marketing. Marketing management philip kotler kevin lane keller. Marketing management millenium edition perspectiva. Manajemen pemasaran – jilid 2 perpustakaan wiryawanfamily. Buku manajemen pemasaran kotler keller edisi 14 bahasa. Philip kotler market management edisi terjemahan pdf. Inilah informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan Download Buku Manajemen Pemasaran Philip Kotler Bahasa Indonesia. Produk dan strategi produk dalam pemasaran pdf. Bagi kalian yang mau update teori buku marketing management dari philip kotler dan kevin lane keller kini telah publish edisi 15 2016.

Bagi kalian yang mau update teori buku Marketing Management dari Philip Kotler dan Kevin Lane Keller, kini telah publish edisi 15 (2016). Buku ini sepertinya wajib dimiliki oleh mahasiswa pemasaran bahkan seorang sales sekalipun, karena didalamnya terdapat strategi-strategi untuk manajemen pemasaran, mungkin buku ini ada revisinya ditahun mendatang, pantengin terus site ini, mengingat perkembangan dunia ekonomi maju pesat dan mengakibatkan kondisi pasar berubah secara dinamis.

Review E-Book

Judul : Marketing Management (Global Edition) 15th Edition
Author : Philip T. Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
Terbit : Tahun 2016
Format : PDF
Ukuran : 42 MB
Bahasa : English
Unduh : (Download Here)

Table of Contents

Part 1. Understanding Marketing Management
1. Defining Marketing for the New Realities
2. Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans

Part 2. Capturing Marketing Insights
3. Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand
4. Conducting Marketing Research

Part 3. Connecting with Customers
5. Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships
6. Analyzing Consumer Markets
7. Analyzing Business Markets
8. Tapping into Global Markets

Part 4. Building Strong Brands
9. Identifying Market Segments and Targets
10. Crafting the Brand Positioning
11. Creating Brand Equity
12. Addressing Competition and Driving Growth

Part 5. Shaping the Market Offerings
13. Setting Product Strategy
14. Designing and Managing Services
15. Introducing New Market Offerings
16. Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

Part 6. Delivering Value
17. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels
18. Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics

Part 7. Communicating Value
19. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
20. Managing Digital Communications: Online, Social Media and Mobile Marketing
21. Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public Relations
22. Managing Personal Communications: Direct Marketing, Word of Mouth, and Personal Selling

Part 8. Managing the Marketing Organization
23. Managing a Holistic Marketing Organization forthe Long Run

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Semoga Bermanfaat,

-Salam Pemasaran-

Judul buku: Marketing Management
Penulis: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
Bahasa: Inggris
Penerbit: Pearson
Tahun terbit: 2012 Edisi ke 14

Selain sejarah, buku-buku bertema branding, selling, dan marketing adalah yang paling saya sukai. Sayangnya, saya belum pernah membaca ‘buku kuliahan’ alias textbook untuk tema di atas. Setelah cari tahu sana-sini, akhirnya saya menemukan buku yang pas.

Tentang buku

Seperti layaknya textbook kuliah, buku ini terdiri dari beratus-ratus halaman dan berpuluh-puluh chapter. Penjelasan keilmuan sangat lengkap, runtut, dan menyeluruh. Penulis tidak hanya menulis tentang marketing-nya saja tapi juga mengaitkannya dengan bidang lainnya seperti branding, selling, dan supply chain.

Kesulitan saya membaca buku ini adalah banyak istilah-istilah akademis yang tidak cukup familiar. Menariknya kita jadi banyak mendapatkan ilmu baru. Istilah yang sangat menarik bagi saya yaitu defensive marketing, jika diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia secara harfiah berarti pemasaran bertahan. Ada gitu ya pemasaran bertahan.

Tentang penulis

Philip Kotler dilahirkan pada tanggal 27 Mei 1931 di Chicago, Amerika Serikat. Dia berprofesi sebagai penulis buku, konsultan, dan profesor di bidang pemasaran. Sebagai profesor, kini dia mengajar di Kellogg School of Management di Northwestern University. Sebagai penulis, dia telah menulis setidaknya 60 buku dalam berbagai sub pembahasan. Dia telah turut membantu pembentukan pemasaran sebagai ilmu pengetahuan.

Kevin Lane Keller dilahirkan pada tanggal 23 Juni 1956. Dia merupakan salah satu profesor bidang pemasaran di Tuck School of Business di Dartmouth College. Buku-buku yang dia tulis tidak hanya seputar bidang pemasaran tapi juga tentang brand management. Bukunya yang berjudul Strategic Brand Management dianggap sebagai salah satu karyanya yang paling penting.

My favorite lines of this book

Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and execution using state-of-the-art tools and techniques.

Skillful marketing is a never-ending pursuit.

Good marketers are always seeking new ways to satisfy customers and beat competition.

Selling is not the most important part of marketing. Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg.

A marketer is someone who seeks a response.

Just as production and logistics professional are responsible for supply management, marketers are responsible for demand management.

Companies must measure not only how many people want their product, but also how many are willing and able to buy it.

Companies must help customers learn what they want.

The buyer chooses the offerings he or she perceives to deliver the most value, the sum of the tangible and intangible and costs to her. Value, a central marketing concept, is primarily a combination of quality, service, and price, called the customer value triad.r

Many customers today feel there are fewer real product differences, so they show less brand loyalty and become more price- and quality-sensitive in their search for value, and less tolerant about undesired marketing.

Don’t discount your best brands. Discounting your established and most successful brands tells the market two things: your prices were too high before, and your products won’t be worth the price in the future once the discounts are gone.

Selling focuses on the need of the seller; marketing on the needs of the buyer. Selling is preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his product into cash; marketing with the idea of satisfying the needs of the customer by means of the product and the whole cluster of things associated with creating, delivering, and finally consuming.

Segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP) is the essence of strategic marketing.

Business innovation is about increasing customer value.

A growing population does not mean growing markets unless there is sufficient purchasing power.

Companies commonly prepare a macroeconomic forecast first, followed by an industry forecast, followed by a company sales forecast.

There are two types of demand: market demand and company demand.

The well-known 80-20 rule states that 80 percent or more of the company’s profits come from the top 20 percent of its customers.

Marketers must have a thorough understanding of how consumers think, feel, and act and offer clear value to each and every target consumer.

Consumers are thus more likely to blame a product than themselves.

The marketer’s job therefore doesn’t end with the purchase. Marketers must monitor postpurchase satisfaction, postpurchase actions, and postpurchase product uses and disposal.

One of the most valuable intangible assets of a firm is its brands, and it is incumbent or marketing to properly manage their value.

Internal branding consist of activities and processes that help inform and inspire employees about brands. Holistic marketers must go even further and train and encourage distributors and dealers to serve their customers well.

We define competitors as companies that satisfy the same customer need.

Marketers must overcome “marketing myopia” and stop defining competition in traditional category and industry terms. Coca-Cola, focused on its soft drink business, missed seeing the market for coffee bars and fresh-fruit-juice bars that eventually impinged on its soft-drink business.

Nike has a rich set of associations with customers, based on its innovative product designs, its sponsorship of top athletes, its award-winning advertising, its competitive drive, and its irreverent attitude. Internally, Nike marketers adopted the three-word brand mantra, “authentic athletic performance,” to guide their marketing efforts.

Competitive advantage is a company’s ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.

Ebook Buku Management Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia Kelas

A leverageable advantage is one that a company can use as a springboard to new advantages, much as Microsoft has leveraged their operating system to Microsoft Office and then to networking applications.

Companies offering the powerful combination of low prices and high quality are capturing the hearts and wallets of consumers all over the world.

To be a long-term market leader is the goal of any marketer.

Ebook Buku Management Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia Tentang

Most studies indicate the market pioneer gains the greatest advantage. 19 of 25 market leaders in 1923 were still the market leaders in 1983, 60 years later. In sample of industrial-goods businesses, 66 percent of pioneers survived at least 10 years, versus 48 percent of early followers.

Ebook Buku Management Kotler Dan Keller Bahasa Indonesia 2017

If I had asked people what they really wanted, I would have made faster horses’ or something like that. You need to figure out what people really want, although they can’t express it. – Henry Ford