Wise Unpacker Gui
Is there any complementarity? Please reply me! Unfortunately, I'm not going to add any to your list (although there are more), just some quick comments: MSI files are actually pretty easy to manipulate. It's some kind of custom database (yes, you can run SQL queries against it and all), but there's a standard for it (pretty straightforward e.g. MsiOpenDatabase to open a msi file - and there's a C# wrapper out there), full docs on MSDN, there's a MSI SDK, etc. And there's a fair amount of tools for it (even some stuff on sourceforge).
Wise Unpacker Gui Downloads For Pc; Beta 4 is planned to be the last beta version before the final release. It adds support for several new installer types, a new context menu entry 'Extract to last used directory', improved user interface, a statistics display and multiple bugfixes. Download: PS2 Packer-Unpacker GUI: A Win32 app that compresses or decompresses PS2 ELFs, using either SJCrunch/SJUncrunch, or PS2Packer/PS2Unpacker. Compatibility wise, it has the same limitations as VBA-H. VBA-SDL-H has been modified to include extra options such as Don't break on, Conditional Breaks, Break on Read, Break on Change. Fuu - F aster U niversal U npacker - Google Project Hosting. FUU (Faster Universal Unpacker) is a GUI Windows Tool with a set of tools (plugins) to help you to unpack, decompress and decrypt most of the programs packed, compressed or encrypted with the very well knowns software protection programs like UPX, ASPack, FSG, ACProtect, etc.

I think it's one of the best formats out there (easier to manipulate than the others at least). InstallShield wise, most of the tools out there are for very old versions like 6, when v11 is out. (that's one reason why I like msi - no need for extensive reverse engineering to peek inside like that) Also, there are some NSIS unpackers.
Windows registry, tweaking, utilities Windows Annoyances A site by the author of Windows 95 Annoyances and Windows 98 Annoyances, remarkable books that are full of useful information; clear and concise. This site has bug reports, Windows tips, downloadable patches and small Windows programs. Windows Guide Network (formerly regedit.com) 'Technical resources and support for tweaking, managing and securing the Windows operating system using the registry, scripting and security.' Windows Guide Network is a very helpful site. Among other things, they produce a downloadable, compiled help file of registry tweaks and tips. Sysinternals The makers of several one-of-a-kind utilities that can be very useful.
I think it's one of the best formats out there (easier to manipulate than the others at least). InstallShield wise, most of the tools out there are for very old versions like 6, when v11 is out. (that's one reason why I like msi - no need for extensive reverse engineering to peek inside like that). Also, there are some.
Examples: Regmon monitors the registry and displays everything that happens in real time. Filemon monitors all file activity. TDIMon monitors TCO traffic. Shell Extension City Shell Extension City - a vast links site for things like registry utilities, general utilities and some rather exotic things like whole new interfaces for Windows. Software Installer Unpackers The information and links in this section are for people who want to be able to unpack a software installer and look inside before they run it. Many people like to know what is going to be installed when they install new software. At one time most software came with a 'readme' file that explained the various files in a software installation, but 'readme' files have become rare and many companies are surprisingly mysterious about what is inside their software installer.
Some may be hiding spyware. Some may not want you to know that their program is actually no more than a compilation of other companies' components. Many may just assume that no one is interested in the details just so long as the software works. In order to unpack an installer you have to know what kind of installer it is.
In some cases one type of installer will be packaged inside another. For example, an MSI file is sometimes packaged inside an EXE file. In that case the secondary installer file, the real installer, is typically unpacked to the Windows TEMP folder and must be fished out from there.
If the installer type is not known, try checking the file properties or opening the file in a hex editor. In the case of commercial installers, such as InstallShield, Wise, or Inno Setup, the name of the company can usually be found somewhere in the file. Self-executing ZIP or CAB files Some software is packaged as a simple SFX, a self-executing compressed file with an EXE file extension.
All JSWare software is packaged that way. If you just rename the EXE installer to make it a ZIP file you can open the ZIP.
Some software is also packaged as a self-executing CAB file. Microsoft updates often come that way. In fact, Microsoft updates are often packaged as 2 or more SFX files inside of each other. A self-executing CAB file cannot just be renamed in order to open it. See the exe2cab note on the for information about that. MSI Installers - unpacking MSI installers come either as an MSI file or as an EXE that contains an MSI file. In the latter case it can be identified by opening the Windows TEMP folder while running the installer, to see what shows up.
If an MSI file appears in the TEMP folder then that's probably the real installer. For MSI files see the on the MSI Utilities page. That can fully unpack and document MSI installers, even telling you what the installer will add to the Registry.
Inno Setup - unpacking Inno Setup is a popular installer with small software companies. The word 'Inno' will usually be found somewhere near the beginning of the file and a plain, generic image of a computer, like the one shown here, shows in the opening window. Inno Setup installers can be unpacked with Inno Unpacker, found here:.
Inno Unpacker is a very simple command-line executable that will extract all files to the folder where the installer is. There are directions that come with the download.
In addition to the basic unpacker, there is also now Inno Setup Unpacker Explorer which provides a GUI window to make things easier. InstallShield - unpacking An InstallShield installer will generally say so in the file properties when the file is right clicked. For InstallShield installers use WinPack for InstallShield, available here:.
WinPack is a small GUI program. InstallShield is updated often. You may need the very latest version of WinPack to unpack recently downloaded installer files. Wise - unpacking A Wise installer may have 'WISE' appearing in the first section of the file when viewed in a hex editor.
(Look in the PE Section Table.) There are a number of programs available for unpacking Wise installers. One possibility is here:. As with the InstallShield unpacker, Wise unpackers may go out of date quickly as new Wise installer versions are used. Universal Extractor is an open source project based on a very sensible idea: It pulls together all the tedious, command-line extraction utilities for various installers into one package and provides an easy interface for them. You just point it to an installer file and it will attempt to identify and unpack that file. It will also write a log that can be useful if the unpacking fails. Two notes to be aware of: 1) Universal Extractor is described as a 'work in progress'.
The MSI unpacking doesn't seem to work at all. Some other options may also not work. This program is really just an interface for a group of other utilities. 2) A program like this will need to be updated regularly. Companies that make installer software often break compatibility, so utilities that unpack their install files often have to be updated when a new installer version is released. Nevertheless, it is much easier to check for new versions of Universal Extractor than it is to go around tracking down new versions of all the utilities that it contains. Software Installers - Problems This section has been added to help with what seems to be an increasing problem: Half-baked software installers with nonsensical limitations.
A surprising number of software installers, even some from large, well known companies, can create problems. That's especially true for people using older versions of Windows that some companies are no longer supporting. Many software installers have minor problems. There's the Firefox installer that won't let you do without 3 shortcuts, regardless of which checkboxes you uncheck. There's the Hewlett Packard printer drivers package that won't let you choose not to install a large pile of questionable graphics software that you probably don't need.
(In fact, many installers for large software packages neglect to provide partial install options at all, or ignore the options that you select.) And there is the increasingly common problem of software installers that want to install 'registration' and 'live update' software, which is usually just euphemisms for corporate spyware. A list of specific solutions is being started here, in hopes that it may be of help to some people. Internet Explorer - Frivolous Version Requirements An increasing number of software installers have minimum requirements for the installed version of Internet Explorer.
In most cases these programs don't even directly use Internet Explorer. And most people would not want to run the risk of destabilizing their system with an Internet Explorer update just to satisfy a badly-designed software installer. Perhaps Microsoft is behind this problem. Microsoft has, after all, been increasingly aggressive about trying to push people into buying newer versions of their software. And cooking up compatibility problems is a good way to make people think their software is out of date. Or the problem may simply be a case of incompetence on the part of software companies.
Wise Unpacker Guides
Whatever the case, the following information may be helpful if you are trying to install software that complains about your version of IE. When an installer checks for existing versions of Internet Explorer there are at least two ways it can do that, which are explained here. 1) Registry settings: Hewlett Packard printer software presents a case of a badly designed installer that requires specific Internet Explorer versions for no reason and refuses to install drivers if the 'wrong' IE version is listed in the Registry! If you have this problem open Regedit to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Check the Version value listed there. If you are dealing with a problem software installer this might be the easiest thing to try first.
Just change the Version value to something your installer finds more palatable: 5.5, 6, 7.18.whatever. 2) File checks: The Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 installer, a notably faulty piece of work, provides a good example of installation file checks. Despite the fact that Acrobat Reader 7 only runs on Windows XP (which has Internet Explorer 6), the installer requires at least v. 5.01 of Internet Explorer. (If you don't know about the v. 7 limitations and try to install Acrobat Reader 7 on Windows 98, you'll first be told to update Internet Explorer.

Then once you've done that you'll be informed that.woops.this version of Acrobat Reader doesn't work on your system anyway.) Acrobat Reader 7 is one of an increasing number of programs that installs via an MSI database file. The installer MSI file can be opened in an MSI editor. () Doing so reveals that the Acrobat Reader installer is checking the version of SHDOCVW.DLL (Internet Explorer). SHDOCVW.DLL is a system file that is best not to fiddle with because it's only one of several files that are updated together when IE is updated. However, it may be possible to alter the 'required' version of IE - or other programs - in an MSI installer database, rather than changing the file itself. In the case of Acrobat Reader 7, the IE version requirement can be changed by changing the SHDOCVW.DLL value in the MSI file's Signature table, which stores specific information about file versions involved with an installation.
If you have an MSI installer file causing problems, and the solution is not found in the Signature table, check the AppSearch, LaunchCondition and Condition tables for signs of unnecessary limitations that may have been built into the install. Drivers, Patches, Utilities, Info. Axcel216's Max Speeed Windows A VERY extensive listing of Windows information - tweaks, tips, links to the latest updates, patches and drivers, links to all sorts of utilities for Windows. Drivers: There used to be a number of websites that listed numerous hardware drivers for all Windows versions. Now, most of those sites have closed. To confuse matters, Microsoft has instituted their 'End of Life' schedule - a strategy to disable older versions of Windows by refusing to support them. Many hardware and software companies are cooperating with Microsoft's deplorable version of customer service.
Wise Unpacker Gui V0.12 Download
As a result, it may be difficult to find drivers for some hardware if you are using Win95, Win98 or NT4. If you have drivers for your hardware it is a good idea to make backup copies for future use. If you need drivers, the first thing to try is a search for the exact model name of your hardware. Aac2010_Keygen-64Bits.Exe Download.
You can also go to the manufacturer's website and look for the support or downloads link. If you don't know how to find the company website for your hardware, these two sites provide links: If the manufacturer's website does not have the drivers you need, you may still be able to get them from a driver listing site. The following two sites are free but require that you sign up as a member before you can download drivers: Hardware, tech., etc.