The Emotion Code

Our Emotions control our beliefs about ourselves, our health and fitness, and even our self worth. They also control our actions, negative emotions such as anger, fear, resentment and guilt – often hijacking our best intentions to make positive changes towards a healthy lifestyle.

The Emotion Code is a simple yet effective energy technique developed by Dr Bradley Nelson a Chiropractor and Medical Intuitive from America, who realised that many of his patients symptoms were more than just physical – they were also emotionally based.

Using Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Monitoring), we can identify negative emotions often referred to as emotional baggage that we may still be carrying around in our bodies, long after experiencing the traumatic events in our lives.

When our body fails to let go of these emotions like fear, guilt, resentment and anxiety etc… we can find ourselves with unexplained feelings, self-sabotaging behaviours, destructive beliefs, phobias and many chronic physical problems.

The emotion code is a simple yet profound method of releasing trapped emotion from the body. !e Emotion Code is a self-help method that quite often produces marvelous results and wonderful benefits, both physical and emotional in nature. Nevertheless, it is. The Emotion Code is a tool which is becoming more well known now. And if you are a Christian, you are wise to check that this is safe for you. Hopefully, this article will answer your questions well enough to enable you to make an informed decision for yourself. In a nutshell, this is a tool that enables us to access information stored in our subconscious so that we can make necessary repairs. Deborah offers several different types of sessions depending on your needs, including Soul Awareness, Life Purpose, Overcoming Challenges, Chakra Alignment, Aligning with Abundance, Human Design, The Emotion Code, Crystal Reiki, Crystal Readings, Akashic Record and Relationship Readings. The Emotion Code chart is a key component in determining and releasing trapped emotions. The Emotion Code Chart consists of 60 emotions, divided into two columns and six rows. Each box contains five emotions. Each row is listed with areas of the body these trapped emotions.

Dr Brad describes our bodies as being made of pure energy. Emotions are also made of energy, each vibrating at specific frequencies. When we experience a negative emotion our body takes on that vibration, and because at these times the energy is very powerful they can become stuck in the body. Negative emotions are like balls of energy disrupting the proper flow of energy in any part of the body, leading to imbalance and symptoms to arise – our body’s way of telling us something is wrong.

The Emotion Code is a simple process of identifying trapped emotions and bringing them to awareness ……….WITHOUT having to dredge up the past and rehash it.

Once an emotion is found via muscle monitoring and brought to the surface, it can be released. The process is similar to what happens when you have a credit card, and you run a magnet over the magnetic strip on the back. The information on the card is deleted, and so with the Emotion Code we erase the emotional energy stored in the body.

Dr Brad explains that your subconscious mind is like the internal computer system of your body – where all the information from your entire life is recorded. Using Kinesiology (muscle testing) and specific questioning, we can connect with that information.

At the core of every symptom, every stress, every disease pattern that we experience, whether it be physical or emotional – there are emotions or memories that are buried in the subconscious mind. Dr Darren Weissman

Emotion Code Sessions with Kate

I have found I work best remotely, which allows a more focused and deeper connection with you – Not having to speak during a session allows me to stay in flow of where your energy needs balancing most.

The Emotion Code

This is called a distance proxy session where I use Applied Kinesiology muscle monitoring and work on your behalf. This means you’re not present either physically or on the phone or Skype when I conduct the session.

Having given you permission, and filled out an Emotion Code Session Form. I work on the areas in your life you’re having specific concerns with, and release as many trapped emotions or heart wall emotions as your subconscious will allow in a 60 minute session.

Following the session I will email you a detailed report, and happy to answer any questions then. Specialising in distance email sessions enables me to work with you where ever you are in the world, for you to receive the same results as if you were here in person.

Booking a Session is Easy

  1. Book and Pay for your session by going to the Bookings page (Click Here)
  2. Fill out a New or Follow Up Client Emotion Code Sessions Form, and email a recent photo of yourself.
  3. Describe the areas of your life you would like to work on.
  4. I will confirm your session booking with an email, and complete your session within 3 working days.

Emotion Code® Therapy With Dr. Sami Herbster, DPT, CECP

Dr. Sami is a Certified Emotion Code®Practitioner and has been trained to help identify and release potential Trapped Emotions.

Emotion Code®Therapy Sessions are a 4-step sequential process designed to help your body recover and rid yourself of unseen baggage the often show up as physical ailments, self-sabotage and relationship difficulties.

The Emotion Code


how trapped emotions are holding you back from your potential


which emotions are holding you back and where they originate from


these stuck emotions and harmful energy quickly and effectively


yourself to restore emotional and physical well-being


how trapped emotions are holding you back from your potential


which emotions are holding you back and where they originate from


these stuck emotions and harmful energy quickly and effectively


yourself to restore emotional and physical well-being

“The Emotion Code helps identify and correct emotional imbalances that cause physical and emotional distress.”

Have you ever felt like you’re on the outside looking in? Or that you can’t give or receive full love like you want to? Or perhaps you are struggling to recover from a loss, divorce or other significant turmoil …

The emotion code magnets

The Emotion Code Chart

Many times we just feel “off” and we can’t quite put our fingers on it.

The Emotion Code Movie

At one time or another you may have experienced “emotional baggage” – an experience when you can’t let go of emotional energy and trauma that prevents you from moving forward with your life.

The Emotion Code Gift

The Emotion Code® Therapy with Dr. Sami Herbster can help you discover Trapped Emotions and get rid of negative emotional energy and help you unpack those emotions once and for all!