Sonic Mania Mod Studio

Sonic mania scene creator, a Studio on Scratch. This scene creator is only for sonic mania if you have a sonic scene creator go to this page and post your game if you add anything that is not mania scene creator it can be removed. Mania Mod Studio Plus - A Forum Thread for Sonic Mania Sonic Mania Threads Other/Misc.

  1. Sonic Mania is a 2D side-scrolling platformer developed by a group of indie studios (composed of project lead Christian Whitehead, programmer Headcannon, and some designers and composers of PagodaWest) and published digitally by Sega for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on August 15, 2017.
  2. Mania Mod Studio Mod Posted over 3 years ago; 3,118 downloads; Now this is a fine suite for the hopeful Sonic Mania mod creators out there! This helpful set of tools supplies a nifty framework from which modders can create and combine mods alongside a number of other fine tools such as converting files, ordering mods by priority, and backing up original files in order to safeguard your game.
  3. S3AIR +12 ↺3 Sonic 3 A.I.R. HL2 +9 ↺2 Half-Life 2. Gens +8 ↺1 Sonic Generations. MSM +6 ↺2 My Singing Monsters. SR-GC +2 ↺6 Sonic Riders (GameCube) MKWii +6 ↺2 Mario Kart Wii. Baldi +5 ↺2 Baldi's Basics. DBD +6 ↺1 Dead by Daylight. Brawlhalla +2 ↺5.

When Sonic Mania first released, it represented a fresh blast of energy for classic Genesis Sonic. It paid homage as much as it tread new ground. It played into expectations as much as it subverted them. And in the years since, new tools have made it easier for mod developers to recraft color pallets, sprites, music, and stage design. SAGE this year brings a bundle of Mania mods, so grab your Steam copy, download the Mod Manager, and let’s dig into some Mania remade!

Sonic DVD
Mod type: Original Game
Status: Demo – Sonic only, 1 Complete Stage, 1 Incomplete Stage, “Encore” variants on both.

Sonic DVD bills itself as a fan sequel to Sonic CD, and it certainly has the menu style down. This (mostly) single stage demo has the player navigate an underwater stage somewhere between Press Garden and Hydropolis with a gemstone aesthetic and chill music. Throwing the player into an underwater stage as your first and only impression is a risky move, but the game maintains pace through ample use of currents, boats, and the occasional running-on-water. The design motif is firmly aligned with those two zones as well, putting Sonic in cramped tunnels and locked rooms that require finding a button to progress.

It’s a solid Mania-style stage, though it doesn’t scream “Sonic CD” (interpret that as a positive or negative as you see fit). It has the density and diverging paths of a Sonic stage, though it leans heavily on simple puzzles, traps, and doors. The game gives an incredibly small taste, but an ambitious one, with professional-looking reskins of the stage features and badniks. I would have liked to see more to gauge the designers’ knack for variety in level theme and structure. It still has a long way to go, but it’s definitely one worth keeping an eye on.

Chaotix Mania
Mod type: Recreation
Status: All Mania characters, 6 stages and final boss, special stage, pinball stage, and 4 “Encore” variants.

I’ll put this up front: I don’t think Knuckles’ Chaotix is a very good game. It has a neat hook and some fun stage gimmicks, but the aesthetics are gaudy and the level design is uninspired, especially when set against characters that control in such unique ways! Thus, I’m put in the awkward position of saying, yes, it recreates the stages of Knuckles’ Chaotix within the constraints of Sonic Mania, allowing you to beat the stages as a single character instead of a tethered team, but I also question if it was a feat worth accomplishing. I feel gross saying that, I want to judge it based on what it sets out to do, but I feel it’s absolutely necessary to reinforce that the things the developers couldn’t recreate within the constraints of Sonic Mania were the specific things that made Knuckles’ Chaotix cool.

As a sprite conversion, you’ll be able to easily identify which Mania stages became which Chaotix stages. I wanted to verify accuracy of the level layouts, but the liberties they took to translate one stage to the other made it difficult to find 1:1 comparisons. It certainly has the look and sound of Chaotix, including a thoroughly customized HUD. However, it suffers from frequently bland level design and occasional bugs. The appeal here strikes directly at the most dedicated fans of Knuckles’ Chaotix. For everyone outside that target, stick to the 32X original.

Sonic Aspect
Mod Type: Recreation
Status: Demo – Sonic only, 2 stages

Aspect Co. was the studio responsible for a surprising number of 8-bit Sega games, including Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos, and Sonic Triple Trouble. Sonic Aspect aims to bring a selection of classic Aspect-developed Sonic stages to 16-bit, and… man, is it a crowded year for that. The demo reskins Green Hill and Angel Island as the two acts of Great Turquoise from Sonic Triple Trouble. Motobugs have been converted to turtles (without springs), and Crabmeats have taken on a two-tone paint job.

The level graphics are simple and bright to match the spirit of the original, and I adore the blocky, chunky checkerboard pillars that form the stage and dot the background. The remixed music has a peppy energy that fits the level perfectly. But despite this, it’s really hard not to draw direct comparisons to rival remake Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit, a standalone application that feels just as good mechanically, and isn’t constrained by the limits of being a Mania mod. I want to see more of this game. I want to be surprised and impressed by the team’s level interpretations. But this year won’t be the year for that. There’s fun to be had in this demo, but you can’t be blamed if your thoughts stray towards greener hills.

Challenge yourself with the best remake of Sonic The Hedgehog that exists.

And once you’ve completed it, challenge yourself even further by downloading a ton of mods to add an even bigger challenge to the game.

Or simply change the tone of it by adding a few graphical enhancements to your Sonic Mania title. Gamer’s choice!

In any case, there are many types of Sonic Mania mods out there. And I’ve included a whole variety in this list so there should be something here for everyone.

Sonic Mania Mod Studio


15. S1 Ending Flowers in Green Hill

Do you know those cool little flowers that popped up near the end of Sonic 1?

Well this mod made me remember the good old days that I spent playing that game when I was a kid, so I’ve added it to my list!

It brings back the flowers that you can see near the end of the first popular Sonic title and adds them to the Green Hill Zone in Sonic Mania.

This change is far from being a major one to the game, but it’s still pretty cool.

And the vibes alone make it deserving of a spot on my list.

14. S2 Signpost, HUD, Star Post

Take a trip down to memory lane and play Sonic Mania with a touch of Sonic 2.

This changes the signpost, the game’s HUD and the Star Post sign into the same versions that were included back in the old game.

Interesting note: this mod is an entire creation by its author, as the assets are all made by hand to mimic those that were included back in the older Sonic titles.

A fantastic mod, no doubt about it. And one of the best you can add if you used to play Sonic 2 back in the day.

13. Hedgehog Music Sprites

Alright, for a bit more of a light-hearted approach with mods it’s time for me to introduce to you the Hedgehog Music Sprites.

These replace the traditional Sonic victory dance with something a tad more inappropriate, putting it mildly.

This is one of those mods that changes almost nothing in the game, but you just feel compelled to adding it to a list just in case anyone wants so mindless fun in their Sonic games.

It’s just too fun for me to ignore. I know, I’m easily amused.

But this one still deserves a spot – even if not in one of the highest-ranking positions of my list!

12. Better Sonic Falling Animation

Aha, a falling animation mod. Now that deserves a spot on this list!

You have no idea how many of these mods I managed to come across while searching, but I didn’t want to add more than one here.

I picked this one because it honestly makes Sonic look way cooler than the others.

That’s all the reasoning that I put into selecting this mod. It simply makes Sonic falling look really, really cool. Awesome visual-themed mods are a fun addition to spice things up.

Sonic mania mod studio

It sort of reminds me of how Shadow fell on Shadow The Hedgehog, for some reason.

11. Victory Floss

Well if the last dancing mod on my list made it because it was a fun little change, this one I’m adding because it’s going to piss off a lot of people.

What better way to celebrate the completion of a map than with a good old flossing dance?

Move those hands and act like a 12-year old after winning with the Victory Floss mod.

We can all be zoomers if we truly believe…

10. Blue Spheres Reignited

Blue Sphere stages can feel really boring at times, don’t you think?

There’s just something about the way these stages are that makes them quite boring.

Sonic mania modding tools

They are just too similar for my liking (they’re basically the same – all of them). The creator of this mod had enough of that crap and decided to make entire new blue sphere maps.

This mod replaces all of the stages that come with blue spheres and changes them for entirely new ones, adding new layers of challenge to the game that weren’t possible when it first came out.

A pretty big update so it’s worth running this on a new save if you want to check it out.

9. Sonic Mania P4 Project

New music, custom palettes, and better compatibility.

This mod enhances Sonic Mania and takes it back to the Pre-Plus Porting of the game.

You’ll be able to feel much more challenged when in Encore mode, and the number of features that this mod adds on its own will make your game much more attractive to the average player.

8. The Pridelands Zone

Alright this one’s pretty cool – especially if you were raised watching the Lion King.

Sonic mania modding tools

This mod basically adds an entire zone to the game based on The Lion King franchise.

You’ll get to play in the Pridelands! And even though this is one of those mods that you’re never sure that you want until you see it, it’s one that you’ll grow to love rather quickly.

Disney and non-Disney fans are sure to enjoy this.

It takes assets from The Lion King’s game, of course, but the map is pretty cool and rather well done. It’s also easily playable when you’re gunning it with someone as quick as Sonic.

7. Shadow Mania Revamped

I know Sonic is pretty cool. He is the protagonist, after all.

But you know who’s even cooler? The Internet’s favorite edgelord, Shadow.

This mod changes all of the basic assets of the game and turns them into Shadow.

No more Sonic Mania – it’s time for you to play Shadow Mania instead!

The creator of the mod has made sure to replace all of the sprites in the game and turned Sonic into Shadow. And they blend quite naturally.

Even the sphere maps have gotten a rework. They look lovely.

6. Sonic Mania XL

This mod adds a whole bunch of new featu- no, wait… What? Oh God.

This mod is even better than what its name suggests.

You might think that downloading this mod will give you a complete rework of Sonic Mania and add new maps, adventure, and quests; but nope.

With Sonic Mania XL you’ll be getting an XL version of Sonic instead.

Like, literally a larger version of Sonic.

This mod turns the Sonic sprite fatter and full of glee.

The changes only apply to Sonic, so your companions will always look at you in fear of what you’ve done (or eaten). Talk about useless fun.

5. Another Genesis Sonic

A simple mod, but one that goes quite well together with the S1 and S2 reworks that I’ve added further up on my list.

This mod changes every single asset in the game that was present in S1 and adds it to Sonic Mania, making the game feel much more like its original counterpart.

There are no changes to the gameplay included here – all you get are new sprites to be used in the game.

A new look that reminds us of the old Sonic we all love!

4. Sanic Monia

Why play with Sonic when you can play with the Internet legend that is Sanic?

This mod changes the base sprite of Sonic the Hedgehog and turns him into Sanic, the weird-looking dude that we’ve all grown to love in meme culture.

If you don’t know him, well, count yourself lucky.

This mod is goofy/cool and one that is entirely for the laughs. But if you’re looking to have a ton of fun and you have a sense of humor for memes then this is a mod you’ll want to try.

3. Casino Night Zone

Studipolis Zone wasn’t particularly impressive, as many Sonic Mania fans have stated in the past.

This changes the boring Studipolis Zone for the classic Casino Night Zone.

The mod is pretty new and only the first act has been done (as of the time of writing of this article), but be sure to check it out now. Chances are that it will be finished by the time that you’re reading this.

In any case, I’ve taken a glance at the first act and it looks fantastic.

And I know the rest of the mod will be just as good, if not even better.

2. Sonic Gold

Sonic Gold is a complete rework of the game. It tells an entire different story and comes packed with dozens of new areas to explore.

Truly this is a massive mod and it’s going to take a while to finish. But it would’ve been unfair for me to leave it out of this list because it’s just so in-depth.

And this will likely be re-worked many times over in the coming years so keep your eyes on this as time goes on.

1. Mega Mania

Mania Mod Studio Download

Mega Mania is an entirely new rework of the Sonic Mania story, much like Sonic Gold.

Sonic Mania Modding Tools

This mod attempts to tell a new story about Sonic that has never been told before. Obviously a fan-made one, but still working around the classic lore.

An amazing mod that is rated pretty highly by the community, even though it’s on its early stages of development as of the time of writing of this article.

But it’s worth testing if you have time so launch up a new save and give this a go.

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