Saltmarsh Dmg 2

Saltmarsh Dmg 2

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  2. Images For Saltmarsh Dmg 2
  3. Dungeon Masters Guild - Ghosts Of Saltmarsh

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The thing to realize about the DMGII Salatmarsh is that it is AFTER the Saltmarsh Trilogy, and Seaton got hammered by the Sahuigan - hence refugees had to come somewhere - that said, I've editted the map down some for 576 (although many will argue not enough, c'est la vie :D ).
But in general I use the descriptions in the book - with some obvious changes for the year, events (no one is for the Lizardman enclave yet, because it doesn't exist yet - and may not in my game; depends on the players), etc. I've never made a point of redoing them on a major scale, because a few notes is all I needed. Besides, my group only interacts with a small percentage anyway.
here is my version:
Also, there are some really good articles here on Canonfire on the noteable personages of Salinmoor that are good too. I use them over the book unless somethign is really good in the book. I also tend to use those articles as what the players can learn about those people through a variety of means (Gather info/streetwise, talking to folks, etc).

Images For Saltmarsh Dmg 2

  1. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first adventure of seven in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign book.It features undead horrors, smugglers, pirates (parrots and hooks included!) and an ominous threat of more dangers to come, as the adventurers must fight to unravel a smuggling ring delivering weapons to a tribe of lizardfolk.
  2. $2.00: Extra Ship Upgrades: Saltmarsh. This supplement adds to the Superior Ship Upgrades in the Ghost of Saltmarsh module. The fifth edition Dungeon Master’s Guide features a whole host of cool magic items for Dungeons & Dragons, including many classic items updated from previous editions of.
  3. The version in the the DMG II has much denser buildings and looks like it could possibly accommodate 5,000. Unfortunately, it is an ugly map. The DMG II version of Saltmarsh said the population was 3,850 so when I read that the 5e version supposedly held 5,000 people but it looked like a small village I really didn't know what to do with it.

Dungeon Masters Guild - Ghosts Of Saltmarsh

Despite being an underground hit, the dearth of Saltmarsh references is pretty steady until the second DMG is put out towards the end of 3.5E (set 7 years after the events of the U-series). Earlier works in the same edition like The Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, does not list Saltmarsh among major towns (Keoland is quite large).