Remove Field Codes From Text Microsoft Word Mac


  1. Remove Field Codes From Text Microsoft Word Mac
  2. Remove Field Codes From Text Microsoft Word Mac Free

To add text to a text box, click or tap inside the text box, and then type or paste text. To format the text in the text box, select it, and then Control + Click the text and select Font. To add different effects to the text box, select the text box, and use the options on the Shape Format tab (such as changing the text direction or aligning. One of the time-consuming tasks in Microsoft Word is cleaning up text from outside sources, especially when the document has extra hard returns you want to delete. These documents include text copied from a PDF, transcripts from a Zoom meeting, text from YouTube or other services, and documents received from colleagues and clients who might be.

Note that before you can insert a citation into a Word document, you must have the document and the desired Endnote library open on your computer. You can then insert the citation from the Word or Endnote interfaces.

To insert a citation from within Word:

  1. Click on the EndNote menu tab in the Word toolbar.
  2. Click Insert Citation and choose Insert Citation... from the drop-down menu.
  3. The EndNote Find & Insert My References dialog box will appear. In the text box at the top of the dialog box, enter text (author's last name, year, title, keyword) to search for the reference in your library. Or if you want to search through all articles in your library, insert an asterisk (*). Click the Find button.
  4. In the results of your search, click on the reference that you want to cite to highlight it. To highlight multiple references, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on references.
  5. Once you have selected your references, click on the Insert button. The selected references will be inserted into your Word document and displayed as defined by the current Output Style.

To insert a citation from within EndNote:

  1. In EndNote, highlight the references that you wish to cite. To highlight multiple references, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on references.
  2. Once you have selected your references, click on the Insert Citation button in the toolbar along the top. The selected references will be inserted into your Word document.

Remove Field Codes From Text Microsoft Word Mac

Remove field codes from text microsoft word mac free

Remove Field Codes From Text Microsoft Word Mac Free

Note: Save your Word document after inserting citations.